Wine Tasting in Lecce - Part Two
We left Masseria LiveLi after about two hours and headed to another winery. This location was the storefront for a very large winery called Paololero. Since I had not had any breakfast, I was happy to see that they were offering snacks along with our wine! We were introduced to a young man named Alessandro who is the son of the owner. Alessandro walked us through a few white wines and then some gigantic red wines.
Alessandro was charming and really got into the details of the winery with us. We found his Instagram account and exchanged info. We would like to order some of their wines in the future.
We really liked the Paololero NegroAmaro so we bought a couple bottles. By the way, we didn't see any screw top wine bottles anywhere!
So that was it....two wineries, but it was plenty. After that it was nap time!
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